Monday, August 26th

Me: I found this cool web site. I've been looking for this for years...and years...and years
Husband: What is it?
Me: Weather history. You can look up the weather for any day you want.
Husband: Why is that cool?
Me: One of June's complaints about my existence was that I was born during a heat wave. I've been trying to verify that for years. Now I have. The high temp for October 17, 1946 was 63 degrees. Hardly a heat wave!
Husband: No, not really a heat wave, even for the middle of October.
Me: Isn't that fun - that you can check out the weather for any day in the past?
Husband: No...why would you want to know that?
Me: Just because. Or out of curiosity. It's fun. Wouldn't you like to know the weather on the day you were born?
Husband: It was July. It was probably hot.
Me: Aren't you curious about anything? Even for fun?
Husband: No - not really.