Wednesday, April 27, 2022

*Husband lurches across the living room, overreaches to the chair to balance himself *

Me: That wouldn't have happened if you'd had your cane with you.

Husband: *laughing ruefully* You're absolutely right.

Me: Aren't I always?

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Husband: Nap time! 
Me: Where's your cane? 
Husband: Over there.. 
Me: Where you are not. I hope the chair finds the cane useful. 
    (Leans to the side and stretches to just barely snag the cane
Husband: See? Just a stretch away... 
Me: And one little wobble, one little tiddley and over you go... 
Husband: I think I'll go take that nap now.. 
Me: I think I'll start researching nursing homes...