Wednesday, December 4th

Me: For someone who thinks instant gratification isn't fast enough doing all my shopping on-line seems a bit masochistic.
Husband: But you hate to go shopping in stores, sooo
Me: Well who wants to drive all over here and there, in and out, they don't have it, it's out of stock and blahzay-blahzay-blahzay. At least on-line you know where and what and when.
Husband: But then you get all antsy and check the shipping constantly - complaining about how long it takes...
Me: Oh? And aren't you the one who asked me to order your jeans on-line because you didn't want to go to the store?
Husband: By the way, weren't they supposed to be here already?
Me: I'll check the tracking info for you...because I'm a nice person.
Husband: You are...