Friday, October 28th

Me: Is today Thursday or Friday?
Husband: Friday.
Me: And I thought yesterday was Saturday. I'm good!

Time: Approximately 2:45pm

Me: What time do you think the food will get delivered?
Husband: Between 3 and 5.
Me: Not an acceptable answer.
Husband: What would be an acceptable answer?
Me: 3:45 - So what time do you think the food will get delivered.
Husband: I don't know.

Me: What kind of candy did you buy for Halloween?
Husband: A couple of bags of stuff.
Me: What kind of stuff?
Husband: Oh, this and that.
Me: You're really precise today, aren't you?

Time: Approximately 3:45pm

Husband: I think the food is here - there's a truck but it doesn't have writing on it.
Me: HA!
Husband: Yup, it's the food delivery guy.
Me: HA! - it's 3:48! I said 3:45 - I win!

Husband to delivery guy: You're working alone today? Too bad.
Delivery Guy: So sad...